There are many advantages of Allopathic Medicine.
For example:
1) Latest Technology
2) Diagnosis
3) Treat illnesses
4) Treat injuries quickly
Allopathy Treats the symptoms of diseases with medication whereas, Ayurveda treats diseases Holistically. Philosophy : Modern Pathy uses pills like antibiotics, painkillers, anti allergices and many more drugs to cure acute and Chronic Diseases and life threatening injuries as well.
Our Ayurveda treatment starts with internal purification (Shodhan). Shodhan is main treatment for all diseases. Followed by Special Diet, Herbal Remedies, Panchkarma Therapy, Yoga and Medication.
First stage of treatment is Octoxification. By this method and medicine we care diseases permanently.
Ayurvedic Medicine have antioxidant effects. Meaning they may help to protect against long term illness such as arthritis.
Yoga is derived from Sanskrit root “Yuj” means “To Join” or “To Unite” Yoga indicates perfect harmony between the mind and body.
People with various type of arthritis who practice yoga regularly can reduce:
1) Joint Pain
2) Improve Joint Flexibility and Function
3) Lower Stress and Tension to reduce joint pain
Diet and Nutrition
The Ayurvedic diet is an ectlicy pattern that’s been around for thousands of years. It’s based on the principles of Ayurveda
a) Dosh
b) Dhatu
c) Plal
d) Prakruti
It’s also popular because it’s not for promoting better health but also for better mind. It’s based on determining your dominant dosha and eating specific food to promote balance between all three doshas
Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession with encompasses various treatment such as Massage, Heat Therapy, Excercises, Electro Therapy, Advice for treating an injury ailment or deformity, Joint Mobilisation, Stretches and Exercises which help restore Joint Movements.